
Location:Home > Development History
2011 Nanjing IMIDE Optoelectronic Materials Technology Co.,LTD was established.

Nanjing IMIDE and TCL Institute signed a strategic cooperation agreement,Development of flexible display PI substrate.
Nanjing IMIDE won the first batch of 321 talent plan support.


Fuxin Hongyang Photoelectric Material Co., LTD. was established,Nanjing IMIDE Holdings.


Fuxin Hongyang 5000 square meters plant construction is completed,the initial establishment of the production base.


Nanjing IMIDE with the TCL Group, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo Materials and Huazhong University of Science and Technology jointly assume the Ministry of Science and Technology 863 plan,Development of flexible OLED display transparent PI substrate.

2016 Wuhan IMIDE New Materials Technology Co.,LTD was established.
Fuxin Hongyang and Nanjing IMIDE as subsidiaries have merged into Wuhan IMIDE.

The joint venture with China Wanda Group ,Shandong Guanke Optics Technology
Co.,LTD was established.Development of intelligent window film market.
Wuhan flexible display substrate liquid material production base construction completed production.




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